How To Clean A Comb? – Some Useful Details

How To Clean A Comb? – Some Useful Details

Your combs and brushes are likely covered in the buildup and sticky residue if this is a task you loathe. They’re not required to be. By cleaning out your brushes, not only are you getting your tools clean and sanitary, you’re doing your hair and scalp a big favor the next time you comb and brush your hair.

It serves no purpose to regularly shampoo and condition your hair if you use dirty tools again, does it? It’s not exactly a good hair practice to style your hair with soiled combs and brushes. You can follow this easy step-by-step guide to learn how to clean your daily styling tools in no time at all. The majority of the time is spent soaking and drying, which doesn’t need your involvement or attention.

Why Do We Need To Clean Combs?

The comb must always be regularly cleaned. This quick procedure will help the accessory last longer. You should replace your hair accessories at least once a year, according to professional hairstylists and hairdressers. There are a number of crucial reasons for this:

  • Comb and brush cleaning, even thorough and regular, is not capable of killing all pathogenic microflora;
  • The hair begins to electrify the comb teeth over time.
  • Combs made by amateurs are susceptible to damage. Numerous fissures serve as breeding grounds for pathogens while also damaging the scalp and hair.
  • To improve blood flow and hair growth, massage the scalp while using a massage comb. In the course of use, the teeth are getting blunt and bent, and the comb fails to cope with the task.

What Do We Need To Clean Combs?

  • Combs and/or brushes that need cleaning
  • Baking soda 
  • An old toothbrush
  • Shampoo

How To Clean A Comb?

Pull Loose Hairs Out Of Your Brush

Any stray hairs should first be manually removed from your brush. Ideally, you should do this every time you brush your hair. Don’t stress about removing every single hair from the bristles if you don’t do it every day because it might take some time. Before continuing, simply make an effort to shift as many loose ones as you can. The easier it will be to clean the brush once you submerge it in water, the fewer hairs you have stuck to it.

Use A Comb To Pull Out Hairs

The hairs that weren’t loose enough to be easily removed with your fingers can now be removed using your comb. Simply begin at the bottom of the brush and work your way up, removing hairs as you go. During the procedure, discard every last bit of hair. For this step, if you’re cleaning several combs, use the one with the finest teeth; the closely spaced teeth will remove more hair than a wide-tooth one.

Scrub Brush With Your Fingers

Use your fingers to scrub some more after soaking your brush for some time. If necessary, add more shampoo to create a thin lather. Simply pass your fingers through the brush in the same manner that you would when cleaning your fingernails with a nail brush. If the bristles on your brush are nylon, proceed with caution because they tend to be harder than natural boar bristles and you don’t want to cut yourself. This is one reason why boar bristle brushes are suggested for Black hair; nylon often feels too harsh on our delicate strands.

Use An Old Toothbrush To Clean Comb

Use an old toothbrush to get rid of any greasy buildup on the teeth from your comb. With a toothbrush and a small amount of shampoo, remove the buildup. This is a useful way to recycle an unwanted item, but you might want to keep this old toothbrush separate from the one you use to brush your teeth every day; you don’t want to accidentally use it the next time!

Allow Time To Air Dry

Combs and brushes should be placed on a towel, washcloth, or paper towel to air dry. Combs dry out fairly quickly, but your brush might not be completely dry for a day or more. To allow the most amount of water to drain, store it with the bristles downward. This is why having multiple brushes in your collection is a good idea—while one dries, you can still use another if necessary. Your clean tools are now ready for use once they have dried!

If you frequently use a curling iron or flat iron, you can clean the gunk off of them by dabbing a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and wiping it across the surface of a COOLED curling iron or flat iron. Works like a charm, and you’ll probably notice that the irons work better when they’re clean!

Dunk Combs And Brushes In Water

Dispense hot, soapy water into a clean sink. Since they’re made to remove oily buildup and residue from the hair, clarifying shampoos is excellent for cleaning. A generic shampoo is fine to use if you don’t have a clarifier. Put your hair tools completely under the water, and then leave them to soak for about 30 minutes. If you want to cut the oil, even more, adding a tablespoon of baking soda isn’t a bad idea. Feel free to add a little of this common household item.

Try to stay away from bleach and boiling your tools. Your tools may last significantly less time due to breakdown caused by the high temperatures of boiling water. Additionally, bleach can be challenging to completely remove from bristles, increasing your chance of getting bleach on your hair the following time you brush it. 

How To Keep Our Comb Clean?

Everyone is aware that regularly cleaning combs and hairbrushes will keep them from collecting lint. But what about the makeup brushes we girls use?

  1. Pour warm water into a cup or glass. Keep in mind that hot surfaces must not be used to avoid damaging the bristles! Squeeze in a dollop of any gentle shampoo
  2. Put the instruments inside. Swirl the makeup brushes in this mixture and softly rub the bristles to take away the dust
  3. Rinse and delete the excess liquid
  4. Lay them flat to dry

Since the process is exactly the same and using Dawn soap will ensure that your makeup tools are completely clean, don’t be hesitant to use it in place of shampoo.

By the way, keep your tools clean longer by adhering to a few straightforward tips:

  • Cleanse the hair care instruments weekly since the rests of the makeup products remain on the bristles after each use
  • Wash the tools every month
  • Keep an eye on your brushes to know when it’s time to throw them away

What Is The Best Way Of Homemade Cleaning For My Comb?

There is a quick and simple way to accomplish this task if you decided that your combs and brushes needed to finally take a bath.

Warm water should be added to the top quarter of the bathroom sink. Borax in the amount of 1/4 cup should be added and thoroughly mixed until dissolved.

When the sink is three-quarters full, turn off the water and stir in a little dishwashing liquid to make the mixture foamy.

Take the hair out of the brushes and combs, then submerge them all for about 30 minutes in the soapy, foamy treatment solution.