What Is The Best Way To Clean Mirrors?

What Is The Best Way To Clean Mirrors?

Do you like clean mirrors? Here are two kinds of ways to clean. One is cleaning mirrors without streaks, the other with cleaner. Continue reading, you will learn when to clean a mirror, and how to choose a good cleaner.

How to Clean Mirrors Without Streaks?

Use a glass cleaner without any unnecessary additives, such as soaps, scents, or dyes, as these can leave streaks on the glass. Any particularly challenging stains and grime should be cleaned on the spot first. After that, evenly spread glass cleaner over the entire surface. Avoid using too much cleaner because that will cause hazing. Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to wipe the area in a side-to-side motion after that. Repeat as necessary.

1. Avoid Soaps, Scents, and Dyes for a Streak-Free Clean

Because these additives actually leave behind the residues that cause streaks, using a glass cleaner without soaps, scents, or dyes yields the best results. While a brightly colored, the lemon-scented cleaner might look nice and smell “fresh,” it deposits layers of grease, oil, or wax. As you attempt to remove those impurities, streaks quickly form.

As well as not wiping off, soaps, fragrances, and dyes cannot evaporate. This implies that if you’re using a colored or scented glass cleaner, you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of cleaning to get rid of streaks.

Popular glass cleaners range from homemade vinegar mixtures to the most innovative commercial options, and there are many of them available. Regardless of what you choose, make sure it doesn’t contain any extraneous additives that might cause streaks on your glass.

2. Never Scrub Your Glass—Instead, Spot Clean

Before cleaning the entire window or mirror, spot-clean any dirtier areas where tough-to-remove gunk may need extra attention. When you spot clean, try to avoid scrubbing or applying excessive pressure to the glass’s surface. The surface of your glass will be damaged and scratched by vigorous scrubbing, leaving it cloudy and unattractive. This is great for something like a stainless steel pot.

Instead, dab some glass cleaner on the troublesome areas and gently wipe them with a cloth. The safety of the glass comes before immediately getting rid of the spot. Always keep in mind that you can always spot-clean an area again, but that damage to the glass’s surface may not be repairable.

Use a commercial glass stripper for particularly challenging issues that a glass cleaner can’t remove, like scale deposits from hard water. While preserving the integrity and finish of your glass, these products are made to easily remove things like sap, tar, mineral buildup, and baked-on grime.

3. Always Use a Microfiber Cloth for Cleaning Glass

Your glass will be clean, dry, and lint-free if you use a microfiber cloth. A microfiber cloth has tiny fibers that are intended to absorb or cling to anything they come in contact with. This implies that they will soak up the cleaning solution you use as well as any dirt or grime that may be on your glass. However, the manner in which you wash your microfiber cloths is crucial; avoid using detergents that also contain fabric softener because the latter stays on the cloth and can leave streaks on your glass. The best way to avoid thin films left behind after cleaning the surface of your glass or mirror is to use clean microfiber cloths.

However, those materials were not intended for cleaning, so some people advise using rags or an old t-shirt instead. Although they might function reasonably well, it’s unlikely that they will be able to remove residue and contaminants from a surface in the same manner as a microfiber cloth. Another common choice is paper towels. The fact that it leaves a lot of lint behind makes it ineffective for cleaning windows, even though it may have been intended for cleaning. Additionally, paper towels may contain additives like glues, starches, and wetting agents that are left behind and result in—you guessed it—more streaks.

As a point of interest, many experts recommend using newspapers to clean glass. Newspaper can produce good results, though we advise using microfiber cloths. Try them both out and make up your own mind!

4. Side-to-Side Cleaning Patterns Work Better Than Circular Motions

Because they prevent the buildup of static electricity that circular motions can lead to, side-to-side cleaning patterns are preferable for glass. Because it causes dust to stick to your windows, static electricity should be avoided. The fact that side-to-side designs typically better mimic the shape of a window or mirror is another advantage. This facilitates cleaning and increases the likelihood that you will be able to wipe down the entire glass surface evenly.

5. a Repeatable Process is a Good Process

Your windows and mirrors will be streak-free thanks to the steps we’ve outlined above. They are not a magic cure, though. There’s a good chance that your glass was dirtier than it appeared at first if you followed the instructions but were still dissatisfied with the results. Repeat the procedure one more time. Your windows, mirrors, or glass should quickly transform from dull to sparkling.

A more aggressive approach (like vigorous scrubbing) can harm your glass, despite how often it is tempting to rush the procedure or up the ante. Instead, keep in mind that cleaning glass only requires the proper technique; repeating steps may be necessary.

best way to clean mirrors

When Should You Use a Glass Cleaner?

To be completely honest, everyone’s main goal isn’t just to clean the glass or mirror—it’s to disinfect it and get rid of all the germs on it as well. The aforementioned products have made use of various chemicals to kill bacteria and other germs for this purpose. For glass cleaners, ammonia and isopropyl are the two best chemical options.

Other substances are also present in glass cleaners, but they have unpleasant odors and can cause the user to experience allergic or irritating reactions. It is advised to use those mirror glass cleaners that contain chemicals sparingly.

How to Use Glass Cleaners?

To use the glass cleaners safely and to limit your exposure to chemical glass cleaners, some rules are being set that need to be kept in mind while using glass cleaners:

  1. Open the windows and turn on the fans to improve the ventilation of the space while using a glass cleaner.
  2. These glass cleaners must not be used on household items like kitchen appliances or kids’ toys because doing so could be hazardous.
  3. As it contains chemicals that can burn, glass cleaner should not be used in close proximity to heat or flame.
  4. Keep kids away from your glass cleaner.
  5. Consult a medical professional if you notice anything off about yourself.

How to Clean a Mirror With Cleaner?

As a karate move, it was effective, but Mr. Miyagi’s “wax on, wax off” method isn’t ideal for cleaning mirrors. This is due to the fact that the circular motion actually deposits streaks on the surface by redistributing dust and debris from your cloth. Here’s what to do instead:

Windex Method

What You’ll Need

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Glass cleaners like Windex


  1. Spray glass cleaner or water onto the cloth rather than directly onto the mirror to avoid liquid seeping behind the silver coating and leaving black tarnish marks.
  2. For the cleanest results, wipe with the microfiber cloth in a tight S-pattern from top to bottom, being sure to cover the entire mirror surface area with your first swipe.

Vinegar Solution Method

What You’ll Need

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Vinegar
  • Water


  1. In a spray bottle, combine 1 part vinegar and 1 part water and shake vigorously.
  2. Onto the microfiber cloth, directly spray the cleaning solution.
  3. Similar to the technique outlined above, wipe in an S-pattern from the top of the mirror down. Don’t swipe backward on an area where you’ve already swiped.

NOTE: In the event that you decide to use the vinegar and water solution, the vinegar will stop the mirror from steaming for about a week. Spraying the solution directly on the mirror will increase its defogging capacity. After a minute, wipe it off to increase its effectiveness. Make sure the solution doesn’t seep beneath the surface or into the sides.

How to Buy the Best Mirror Cleaners?

As we all know, there are many different types and ranges of mirror glass cleaners available on the market today, each with its own special qualities and features. Choosing one among many options is a difficult task.

But in this buying guide for mirror cleaners, we’ll go over some of the important factors you should consider before choosing your ideal item.

What to Look for in the Best Glass Cleaner:


To effectively clean your glass or mirror, every glass cleaner contains a variety of different solvents or surfactants, such as water, ammonia, or hydro-propanolamine. It’s undeniable that these solvents can clean mirrors or glass more quickly and efficiently, but they also pose a risk to your health, such as causing itching or irritation, especially if they contain ammonia.

Usage Specification

Always pay attention to whether you are choosing a genuine glass cleaner or a simple cleaner when purchasing a glass cleaner. You can’t clean your glass or mirror with regular cleaners. To clean your glass, mirror, or window without leaving any streaks or filters on the mirror cleaner, however, use the designated glass cleaners as they contain an incredibly potent liquid.


After cleaning, not all glass cleaners leave behind a soothing and adoring scent in the house. But this scent is very important because it has a calming effect on your mind and makes you feel relieved after you smell it. We, therefore, advise everyone to choose a glass cleaner that provides you and your space with a refreshing scent and fragrance.

Important Features to Consider:

Some other important features you should remember while buying glass cleaner are as follow:


Always consider how much glass cleaner the manufacturers are providing. Because not all types of glass respond well to all cleaners, it is best to check first. It is advised to start with a smaller amount when using glass cleaner for the first time. You can purchase glass cleaner in larger quantities once you’re satisfied with it after using it.


As you shop for glass cleaner, consider the price range as another important factor. While more expensive glass cleaners are offered in greater quantities, some products are less expensive but have a smaller quantity. The glass cleaner comes in a variety of packaging according to price points.


Odor is the “must” feature you should consider for your glass cleaner. Before purchasing, smell the glass cleaner. Always check to see if the scent of the glass cleaner is strong, good, or normal. If the smell of glass cleaner is overpowering, it might have an impact on how you feel about cleaning or even trigger itching or irritation. So be conscious of your decision.

We introduce two methods to clean mirrors, the way without streaks has five steps, and the method with cleaners has two steps. And other related questions about when to clean mirrors, and how to choose the right cleaners. Do you know more about cleaning mirrors?


What Causes Smudges on Mirrors or Glass?

If you clean your glass or mirror on a hot summer day, the mirror cleaner will dry so quickly that it will leave streaks on your glass or mirror. The natural shine and brightness of your glass are both impacted by these streaks.

Which Glass Cleaner Cleans Glass More Effectively?

However, according to ratings and reviews, Sprayway Glass Cleaner Aerosol Spray is the most effective at cleaning your glass or mirror without leaving any scratches or streaks behind. All products have advantages and disadvantages.

What is the Most Effective Way to Clean Glass that is Neither Scratched nor Filtered?

Spray glass cleaner on the glass or mirror and then use a towel to wipe away any stains, debris, or rust with the goal of protecting your glass. Use a newspaper or dried towel to finally dry the surface.