How Do You Clean A Dogs Ears?- Pets Care

How Do You Clean A Dogs Ears?- Pets Care

Squeeze a veterinarian-approved ear-cleaning solution to fill your dog’s ear canal and massage gently at the base of the ear for about 30 seconds. As the product removes dirt and buildup, you will hear a squishing noise. Because touching your dog’s ear with the applicator tip could introduce bacteria, avoid doing so.

It’s important to remember to clean your dog’s ears when grooming him. The frequency of need varies depending on the dog. While some dogs rarely need ear cleaning, those who are prone to ear infections may benefit from doing so more frequently. It’s likely that your dog’s ears are being cleaned there if you take him to a professional groomer on a regular basis, but it’s a good idea to double-check. Knowing how to clean dog ears is a good idea for any pet owner in light of this.

What Tools Can I Use To Clean My Dog’s Ears?

  • Ear cleanser: Find a cleaning product that has been approved by a veterinarian. The Spruce Pets advises against using cleansers that contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide because they can irritate your dog’s delicate ears. If you’re not sure whether something is okay to use on your dog, simply ask your vet or dog groomer, “What can I use to clean my dog’s ears?”
  • A towel: This is advised for containing potential messes, especially if your dog has a tendency to shake his head when something gets in his ears.
  • Cotton balls or pads: The ridges of the outer ear can also be cleaned with cotton swabs, but the ear canal should never be touched. You run the risk of permanently damaging your hearing if you do this.
  • Treats: When everything is finished, you should treat your dog.
  • Tweezers: If your dog’s ears are covered in a lot of hair, you should have these on hand.

How Often Should I Clean The Ears Of My Dog?

Frequently, it depends on your dog. Breeds with droopy ears, such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels, may need more frequent ear cleaning because they are more likely to develop ear infections. This is due to the fact that longer, droopy ears permit less airflow and it is simpler for debris and moisture to get trapped in the ear canal, which can lead to a yeast infection.

As a result of the added moisture, dogs who enjoy swimming will also need routine ear cleaning. Additionally, you should constantly be on the lookout for ear mites on your dog because they can also lead to ear infections and spread to other animals.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to clean your dog’s ears on a regular basis enough to prevent infections, but not too frequently as this can harm the canal or irritate it, both of which can lead to further issues. Asking your veterinarian will be best if you’re unsure because they can suggest a cleaning schedule that is tailored to your dog’s particular requirements.

How To Clean A Dog’s Ears?

Examine your dog’s ears briefly before you start. Put an end to what you’re doing and call your vet if they smell unpleasant, look red or inflamed, or if your dog exhibits any signs that they are itching. Either an infection or an ear mite infestation in your dog must be treated. Use tweezers to remove hair from your dog’s ear canal if they have a lot of hair. Read the ear cleanser’s instructions after the ears are clean and everything seems normal. You can also follow this step-by-step process to clean your pooch’s ears:

  1. Get your dog to sit, then give him a treat and let him look at the ear cleaner bottle.
  2. Hold the ear flap upright and carefully pour the cleaning solution into the ear canal if his ears are not already raised.
  3. For about 20 seconds, gently massage the base of the ear with your fingers while keeping the ear flap out of the way.
  4. If your dog wants to, you should let go of the ear and let him shake his head. A towel should be placed over his head to stop the solution from flying all over the place.
  5. To gently clean the visible portion of your dog’s ear canal and outer ear, use a cotton ball or cotton pad wrapped around your index finger. Only use a cotton swab on your dog’s visible ear and only when necessary.
  6. Then, repeat these steps for the other ear, rewarding your dog with another treat.

What Equipment o You Need?

Before you start cleaning your dog’s ears, ensure you have the following things:

  • cotton pads or wool that has been dampened.
  • Dog-specific ear cleaners only; never use items designed for human use.
  • A clean towel.
  • The second set of hands, particularly if your dog is uncomfortable having its ears touched.
  • Plenty of sweets for ear cleaning and afterward.
Dogs Ears

Tips And Tricks To Make It Easier

Here are some suggestions to make the process of cleaning dog ears easier for both you and your canine companion, even though the steps may be fairly simple.

Make sure your dog is in a contained area unless you want water all over the place. Put your dog in a tub or let him out to play. Wear soiled, outdated clothing that won’t be damaged by cleaning agents.

Don’t cut corners on the cleaning agent either. Your dog’s ear canal is much more complex than what the naked eye can see. The best way to ensure that the entire ear is cleaned is to fill the canal with a solution. Your dog’s head will shake to expel any leftover cleaner that isn’t cleaned up. Repeat the procedure if necessary if the ears are still dirty afterward; however, if you notice any bleeding or redness, or if your dog exhibits any signs of discomfort, stop right away.

Should You Clean Dog Ears With Hydrogen Peroxide?

The use of hydrogen peroxide on your dog is not recommended. In fact, this common household item can irritate healthy skin cells. Since the tissue in the ears is extremely delicate, prolonged use of hydrogen peroxide may eventually cause damage to the ear. Remain with cleaning agents that have been approved by veterinarians.


Maintaining your dog’s ears helps to avoid infections. Regular ear checks will also help you catch any additional issues, like ear mites before they worsen and will accustom your dog to having their ears handled.